Matthew blog 3/14/18 The string of rants - which aides were given no heads up about - made clear that if anyone was preoccupied by Russia, it was surely the President. With a pair of national crises before him — another deadly shooting and another wave of evidence that Russia interfered in an American election — Trump demonstrated Sunday morning which was occupying more of his attention: Rather than outlining steps to protect the nation against more shootings or tampering in upcoming elections, he made the moment about himself. Trump has yet to detail what he or his administration plan to do to punish Russia for meddling in the 2016 election. Special counsel Robert Mueller, in a thorough indictment released Friday, detailed how hundreds of Russian operatives -- including a close associate to Russian President Vladimir Putin -- interfered in the election by organizing political events and used social media to tout Trump and criticize Hillary Clinton. ...
Showing posts from March, 2018